Hello all…
Did I get you up there with the title? I was going to take the 2012 part off the title and put it in the body/text, but I thought that might cause some uneeded anxiety, even if for a brief moment. I don’t do that. We all have enough anxiety and stress, without creating more – even if it is a joke!
You’re Welcome!

So, how’ve you been? Holidays being kind to you and yours? I sure hope so!

Global warming has kept us (HERE IN MN) to only one large snowfall so far this winter. Not that I expect it to stay this way for the entire winter, but it would be nice. A wonderful compromise between the snowed in / everything iced up and the soaring temps /sopping wet humidity of our recent summers. Just my opinion!

No book release yet, but I do believe we’re on the cusp!! Don’t hold your breath, but stay tuned…

My latest anxiety is, since I volunteered to do a guest post, I’m all anxious and nervous about if I can write enough about friendships in real life and online, to make a whole post. I have a less than 10 day deadline, so of course the stress level is increasing exponentially. I tell you what, though, if that is the extent of my troubles and tribulations, I’d be a lucky girl!!

Christmas gifts from very generous relatives, means January should be a fiscally stressless month (5 weeks – that extra week really makes a difference – before next payday)!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! I wish I could be more like the cats – they never seem to worry where the next meal is coming from or how it will be acquired. They just trust that they will be fed. I sort of know that too, but my mind gets in the way and I worry. Next life, I want to be a cat!

Well, happy, happy and merry, merry…

enjoy your exit from 2012 and entry into 2013… CHEERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!