Category: H is for…

Reviewed by Janet Russell
Kindle format and Paperback format available on many online sellers, including Barnes and Noble, Amazon,, Kobo, and many others online booksellers.

Reading this book felt Just like having a conversation with a friend after work… yes, a bit one sided, but Robert’s style is so friendly that with each story or anecdote, he draws me in, so I could become part of the story.



I enjoyed the story separations, which made it easy to stop and start again, reading in little spurts which is often my style.

I love the honest feelings he presented about the not so politically correct guests he had to work with. The stories were told in an easy friendly manner, engaging me in the very experiences he was undergoing!

There were lots of cliches in the book, but that’s the whole point of it. Robert wanted to show the reader that these cliche people really do exist!

And finally, Robert ended with a little of his homespun wisdom on various subjects from comic books, parenting, grocery shopping while hungry, Reality TV, and today’s hero’s for our kids to politics and human nature.

You gotta read this book! It’s warm and friendly, and funny and every point he makes will make you go “Yeah, I’ve always thought that too!”  It’s a feel good book in which we can all commiserate about the funny nature of our fellow human beings.

Thanks, Robert (he goes by The Hook on his blog You’ve Been Hooked) for a very entertaining time!

Oh, and for a Canadian, he’s all right in my eyes!


You’ve Been Hooked
The Book of Terrible

but I haven’t had any time this past week to gather some more of my lovelies, so to tide you over until I can put together a fine fractal feature, there’s this…

and for your added pleasure another little gem from Mark Fiore’s library…

Just to let you know, this week we had a marvelous memorial service for Harley Guy, fully honored by the Patriot Guard. They led the procession to Fort Snelling, our military cemetery here and HG was interred with a full 21 gun salute. At the service before, the floor was opened for anyone who wished to share. There were many sweet stories about HG’s generous spirit, his loyalty and his lust for life. One of the most beautiful services I’ve seen. It was intimate and brought together many folks from many different lifestyles!  RIP, HG!

back soon with your regularly scheduled fractal feature…




H is for… HOT LIPS

Day 8 of the April 2013 AtoZ Challenge… enjoy…

I may have forgotten to mention my theme – it is fractals, fractal art, everything fractal up to and including my new book Fractal Dreams! Have a look around my pages and such to see lots more fractals. Also, every Friday I post a FridayFractalFeature (fff, for short) for all to enjoy! Thanks for stopping by and engaging in the A to Z 2013 Challenge! This is my FIRST ever, so I’m pretty excited! So every day I will post a fractal whose title starts with the letter of the day… and perhaps other things fractal related. Check out another A to Zer, A CONun*drum’s Rhap*sody for some interesting posts!

H is for….
the fractal for H is: HOT LIPS



Hot Lips is not included in my book, Fractal Dreams, which is available exclusively at RedmundPro

Check out all my art at these galleries:
Red Bubble
Deviant Art

#fractals #AtoZChallenge #bloghop

Disclaimer: I am NOT a mathematician, so please forgive the uneducated tone of my definitions. I am an artist, so I try to explain the math of fractals to the best of my (limited)  ability.

So, does that phrase ring a bell for anyone? I know of at least one person my dear friend lizzie, after all, she is the person who has said that about herself!!  And guess what!?!?!? TODAY is our lizzie’s birthday!! So in honor of the woman who is delightfully (CRACKED 4/7), not broken, I’ve got here a post for a mid-afternoon mental moment. And it is all to honor that terrific artist, lizzie, who brought Mantra to life for Red‘s book “Mantra for a Muse”.

So, Lizzie… it time to grab hands and dance around and sing our happy birthday tunes to you and your lovely CRACKED (4/7) self… happy birthday for you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday DEAR lizzie, happy BIRTHDAY to you… (and many moooooorrreee).

Red at M3

El Guapo

Ginger Snaap

Linda Vernon

Ginger Fight Back

Writer Wannabe 763

And me, always late


So, to find lizzie’s secret birthday list there are clues sparsed around the blogosphere… if you look real hard, lizzie, you might just find some more clues at the preceding bloggers’ Monday posts (I know I’m bringing up the rear)…

Now, I want to talk about lizzie’s birthday gift. It is not CRACKED (4/7) it is FRACTURED. Actually could one of the first “big” words I learned. FRACTURED. CRACKED (4/7). Not broken, just cracked (4/7). Then, when I got older, I realized that a hairline fracture was a crack in my bone, not actually a broken, exactly. Just cracked. And let me tell you – that teeny weeny cracked bone HURT!!!
Anyhow, where was I… Oh yes, this very special FRACTURED FEATURE …

So, my dear lizzie, I have brought for your birthday something CRACKED (4/7), that is something  FRACTURED… I bet you are waaaayy too young to remember these, lizzie, but I hope more than a few of us grew up on these ever loving treasures…

These are really creative but cracked looks at some of the fairy tales we all knew and loved. A. J. Jacobs actually took over, cracked, fractured and rewrote 91 fairy tales. Ranging from “Jack and the Beanstalk” to “The Flying Carpet”. “Son of Snow White”, “Jack Be Nimble”, “Cutie and the Beast”, “The Prince and the Popper” The list goes on and on.

H is for        HAPPY

B is for         BIRTHDAY!!!!!!


Just in case you are totally lost and can’t find your way out of this mess,

just follow the yellow brick link


Our Echoing Love

thanks for visiting…


filed under:
P is for… (poetry)
H is for… (haiku)

© 2012 BuddhaKat Designs. All rights reserved. Please respect my rights. Registered & Protected

Hi Hobbs… just wanted to see how your
walk went and what the hell happened at this point in the road:  


Also,, there’s a little birdie going around spreading a “not very well kept” secret… that it’s your….

….(birthday) …  (birthday) …   (birthday) …

and maaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnyyyyyyy


LOTSA BIRTHDAY LOVE to one of my favorite bloggers!!!!!




and, just a note to this new blogger I just found: I like my porn on the pob!!!  Just a little welcome pun, that, when I saw there were ALREADY 30 comments on today’s post, I figured no one would see it, if I put it there, so it’s a birthday extra… and besides… should it be porn on the cob or porn on the pob?

You tell me, birthday girl!!!!!


H is for another… hostage situation, involving women and our, OUR bodies.

ᔥ Mother Jones

—By Stephanie Mencimer

| Mon Apr. 30, 2012 3:00 AM PDT

Doctors still require women to submit to cancer screenings and pelvic exams to get birth control pills. Scientists say that shouldn’t happen.

Recently, my doctor gave me an ultimatum: Come in for a pelvic exam, or I won’t refill your birth control pills. The problem arose after I tried to get my prescription refilled before going on vacation in March, only to be told that the doctor’s office wouldn’t sign off on the refill because it had been a year and one month since I’d had an annual exam and a Pap smear. A nurse grudgingly gave me a monthlong reprieve if I promised to come in for an exam when I returned from my trip.

I really, really didn’t want to go in for an exam. I’ve had two kids, a false positive Pap test and all the ensuing misery that comes with it, and spent enough time in the stirrups to last a lifetime. All I really wanted were my pills; I was pretty sure the exam could wait another year or more.

The science was on my side.

Just a few weeks earlier, the US Preventative Services Task Force, an independent group of national experts that makes evidence-based health care recommendations, released new guidelines declaring definitively that women over 30 don’t need a Pap smear more than once every three years unless they have a couple of risk factors, which I don’t have. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has said that birth control pills can safely be prescribed without a full-on exam….”

I hope you will take the little trip over to Mother Jones to read the rest of this EXCELLENT article…

BuddhaKat says “… and this is how we decrease the cost of health care?”

BuddhaKat says “BullShit!!!”


Related posts’n stuff: Motley News

first we have this excerpt from a recent Sesame Street episode:

next, Mr. Santorum, weighs in on allowing women to become Catholic priests…

or maybe it’s this little story about who was “really” behind the original Komen defunding decision debacle… (3 points FTW for alliteration?)

or, perhaps this “awful threat” to the American dream and civilization as we know it…

boy, it just keeps getting better and better, eh!?!?!?

peace out!!


is surviving and preventing further victimization…

from The Daily Beast…

Tyler Perry’s Open Letter to Penn State 11-Year-Old

posted in Newsweek
Nov 28, 2011 12:00 AM EST

Hollywood’s Tyler Perry writes to a young boy involved in the Penn State scandal to tell him he isn’t a victim at all—he’s a survivor.

Hobbies with Benefits…

Ever had a hobby, an activity that you enjoyed so much you found yourself spending all your free time pursuing this interest? Maybe it was reading, or sketching or playing board games, or whittling… I’m sure most of us have taken immeasurable pleasure in something that we never seem to have enough time for… and, somewhere along the way, we began to realize that this activity could actually become a source of income for us… who hasn’t dreamed of having a job that was, in fact, doing our most favorite thing in the world…

It seems such an easy transition, few of us realize what is really in store, in order to make this hobby a profitable, income generator… aye… thar’s the rub… it’s NOT as easy as growing beautiful flowers to our heart’s content, then making extraordinary arrangements out of them and voila… suddenly we are rich and making a generous living off our most favorite activity, something you just know you are good at and could never get enough of…

Take my brother-in-law, eg, Harley Guy… more than a dozen years ago, when he and my sister first got together, he needed a kidney, hers fit, so she donated one of hers to him… it worked for him for those dozen or so years, but now, he’s used it up and is on the list for another transplant… but, now he is unable to work, and he pretty much was one of those guys that lived to work… he loved his job and now that he can’t work, he’s at a loss as to what to do with himself… my sister, the Virgo, still has to work, of course, maybe even more than usual, since she’s now the sole breadwinner of a recently “spend, spend, spend” two-income family… so now Harley Guy has no one to play with (they were both avid golfers) and desperately needs something with which to occupy his time, to make himself feel useful and a productive member of society…

Well, he found a perfect outlet – working with wood and making beautiful cabinets, porch swings, plant stands, canes, chairs, etc… together, in the recent past, Harley Guy and The Virgo really enjoyed all the DIY shows on cable and even The Virgo made a very well done and cute small child’s chair…
So now, Harley Guy makes some of the nicest house accessories, which suddenly it occurred to him he could sell and make some money from… well, all of us relatives are dirt poor, so we certainly aren’t a good market to try to sell to… he has lots of friends who could afford many of his functional and very well made works of art, but… he feels funny making money off his friends, so he barely asks enough from them to cover the cost of the materials…
The other day, he called me to see if I would take one of his canes (which I’d already advised I couldn’t afford to buy, much as I’d like to) and use it, and, in effect, model it, show it off… I told him I’d be proud to do this for him, as I really think he’s an excellent craftsman, and just seeing it in use could be enough to generate interest… of course, I told him I thought he should also have some business cards that I could then hand out to anyone who oohed and aahed over his wonderful work… he then said something that got me to thinking… because he doesn’t have a clue about making or getting business cards, that seemed like a big task for him and he complained “he didn’t want to make this be like work”… so, I thought to myself, no, it’s enough that he made the darn thing and he’s not prepared to do any other “work” involved in the showing, marketing and advertising for him… so, if people do like what they see, it would be up to me to make sure they have his contact info (dig in my purse for a notepad, or a pen, or whatever) look up his number (on my cell cuz I never dial it, I just enter him from my contact list, so I have no idea what the number is), then whilst juggling all this stuff, get his number written down on a scrap of paper, which, as we all know, goes directly into a pocket and comes out nice and clean once it’s been laundered with the jeans, or the jacket, or…,
Well, my sister picked up on this nice and quick, and being an executive admin for the head of a hospital, she has a plethora of stuff at her fingertips to whip out plenty of cards for him, and for me to use… so now we have a plan… the fact is, I too, could have made some business cards for him, but, being the perfectionist I am, it would have taken me weeks to decide what color card and font to use, not to mention the actual design of the card – what kind of logo? how much info (name and phone + address or?) what size fonts, and then I’d have to print out several sheets worth to make sure they were aligned up symmetrically and felt balanced and all those other artistic factors that I could not just “let go”… and of course those formatted business card templates are NOT cheap… so that was a relief that The Virgo would take care of all that… so, in the end, all I have to do is use the cane, which I do anyway, having one of my own and the orders will just come rolling in…

So, if I may, let’s roll this up into a practical point… if you have a skill or product or anything to market, please be sure to study all the ins and outs, all the work that will be involved from getting your product/skill known/promoted (word of mouth, personal use, website, use of established websites like ebay or Etsy)… then there is the issue of distribution, ie go the Girl Scout Cookie route where friends take orders for you, deliver for you, collect for you, then get all the funds back to you, or…? do you really want to have all this work done for you for free by friends and relatives?

Lastly, I really want to promote and support the “small” business persons of the world… for example, I know a few folks who bake items to sell during the holidays and I’m way more moved to order theirs, than pick up the factory made cookies, etc. at the grocery store… for all your holiday shopping (if you do any) and all other needs from handmade greeting cards to scented candles and all the rest… whether it be a one only brick and mortar store, a small personal website or someone you know, or a friend of a friend of a friend, let’s support that small business person out there on his/her own among the giants trying to be seen and heard among all the clamor of the BIG stores, now and always…

YAAAAY private enterprise!!!!!