I finally found something that belongs in the category!!! This/she is the most WTF person/ality I think I have ever seen, and she is my GAH!!!!! neighbor (ie fellow Minnesotan).

I am SOOOO embarrassed that she was voted into Congress by voters in my own state… OMGWTF!!!

AND she is on the committee that oversees INTELLIGENCE, in the House of Representatives. I so find it hard to believe this woman is a real person. How can she not be embarrassed by the things that come out of her mouth. And that she is so proud of‽‽‽‽‽

Sorry, I truly did not intend this post to become an MB slam, but it sure is hard to resist!!!!!

OK, just one more WTF, again from Young Turks… all I can say is WARNING: make sure you have plenty of oxygen handy and probably tissue too… to be fair, I have no evidence that Romney is a FUNDAMENTALIST, but he is a Mormon.

just trying to share the truth…


Ten of the Craziest Things Michele Bachmann has Said

Image from: http://2politicaljunkies.blogspot.com/