Hi all…

I have been totally out of it for this entire past week, as in health and heat demons finally got the best of me, and all I could do was lie here and take it!!! Those demons managed to drain me of all my intestinal fortitude, and then some!! Today is the first day I’m daring to venture out in a week, and even now, I’m not sure how my strength and stamina will hold out. Just have to wait and see, I guess… this is the first I’ve peeked out from under the covers for DAYS! Let’s see how it goes…

a couple tunes for your listening pleasure…

(hope there’s none of this in my route today)…


and we’re off….






Well, that should do it for today…  Neural Zone and Picture Window were both created using a fractal generator called Fractal Science Kit. It is a little more difficult for me, because the interface works a lot better if you get the math (which I don’t), but I can still get a few things. Last week, Perhaps and Nirvana were also from Fractal Science Kit, which you can download for a free trial period (30 days, I think).. The creator, Ross Hilbert, also shows many of his images on his DA site. His images are a LOT nicer than mine!!!
So I hope you have enjoyed today’s offerings. I MUST say, I’m so glad the DNC and RNC are both over. What IS with that Clint Eastwood, anyway?!?!? I think he was still in character for his latest flick.

Now that summer’s officially over, time to pack away those white shoes (NOT) and put up the storm windows. Maybe we can hold off for a while, though. This is my perfect weather, 70-75 F during the day, 55-60 F overnight!! I could live with this FOREVER!!!

Almost forgot, Red over at M3 (with one of my favorite weekly features: Friday Follies) has finally got her new poetry book out. That’s her second book in as many months! “Taming the Terrible Two’s” is just what it sounds like and “Mantra for a Muse” is gobsmack full of Red’s and Mantra’s poetic works. They are truly amazing poetry. I just got the e-book and hope to review the whole thing for you, but I warn you, I do love to savor poetry, take my time, so I can absorb all its lovely facets, hidden and not. So don’t hold your breath for the review. Better yet, why don’t you run over and get yourself a copy of one or both!

One last thing, I hope you will all forgive me for not only not getting around to your blogs, this past week, but I haven’t even responded to ANY comments from last week or newer. I am taking it slow, so I don’t wear myself out before the book is done. Wouldn’t that be awful?!?!? I finally get a book deal and I kick the bucket before I can send it off to the publisher!!! That is NOT going to happen!!!

I may just spend another day or so hiding out under the covers, to make sure all those terrible health and heat demons are truly gone!!!

Happy weekend, all. And don’t forget to tell someone you love them, at least by giving them a good hard hug.

love and hugs and peace to y’all…
