Hi folks…

so… I was just thinking…

I heard about this comedian a few weeks ago, and heard that Louis CK (YAAY) was going to sell an MP3 and/or a FLAC (what, you think I know what that means!?!?!?)  of her set on his website… Well, since I like Louis CK, since I bought one of his shoes shows (for the price of cheap shoes?) from his website where he doesn’t charge an arm and a leg for stuff that would leave you limbless, were you to purchase it directly from Amazon, or Best Buy, or wherever…

so, I was thinking…

the other thing is, I’m broke. I have about $30 to last me the next 2 weeks. Period. But, I just shelled out $20 for gas (no, not at a Shell station, silly)  that should last until next SSDI payday (if I don’t go anywhere). That said, I decided I could afford the $5 Louis CK wants from me to buy this set of Tig Notaro. So, here you go, fresh from a new purchase and download and I haven’t even heard it yet…. whew… I had to take a breath there…
Anyhow, here she is, for your pleasure, allow me to introduce a “master in the art of counterintuitive comedy”, the dry and smart, Tig Notaro…

(This better be good!!!)


So, in the meantime, I did listen to it and it is very good! The above was written last Thursday and it wasn’t until a few days later I figgered out how I could upload an audio (MP3) file to my blog… I was seeing only a forest, rather than a single doggone tree!! So, after the common sense help of El Guapo, I now have the capability to share… so……

Tig Notaro

Hope this works!!!

Definitely worth the $5… and the cool thing is, Louis CK said, after I bought it, I could do whatever I wanted to do with it!!! So that’s why it’s here!!!
Open Culture for 10/11/2012

Louis CK website (I love how you create an account on his site… you hit login, and since you haven’t yet set up a password, you won’t be able to get in. So you click on “Forgot Password” and a “new” one is emailed to you… the “new” one probably has the word “stupid” in it!!!