Good Day, to you all – my friends, followers and foe and unfamiliars…

Happy to see you here, on this bright January Friday. I must admit, I was worried about my van starting up today. Two days ago, temp was 3F and van had sat (ungaraged) 4-5 days in FRIGID temps without being started up. Started up just fine. Then the next day, yesterday, I was all confident and stuff and put the key in… and click, click, click, click… nothing but clicking. I wasn’t sure, but I HOPED it was the temp to blame, which was a balmy -3F. So today, temps like the tropics at 18F… all fingers crossed and toes and everything… put the key in and…  vroom, started up just like there never had even been a thought of the cold. WHEW!!
What a relief – sure can’t afford a new battery or a new starter!!! Didn’t get a long drive in, but our big Russell Sprout brunch on Sunday is far enough the engine will get all lubed and warmed up and battery recharged in a nice long ride to the place. Thank goodness. And can’t wait for the family gathering – it’s at a bowling alley – an old family favorite, bowling!!

How has you week been? Busy? Cold? Long? any special events going on in your world these days, or are you just waiting for that next retail holiday, the red and black one, you know SAINT Valentine’s day? Me – meh. Not interested.

However, I have been somewhat busy, pulling together (STILL) last minute stuff for the print release of RedMond Pro’s launch books on 2/1. I’m pretty excited. No, really! I have such faith in Red, the publisher, I won’t even see a print proof before it goes into production. She has a better eye than me and she knows at least as well as do I, what I want. Press releases, that kind of thing… wonder where those will turn up!?!? Red is the queen of promotion and we are all little novices at her feet hoping to learn a thing or two! Thank goodness she’s on our side! So, probably next week, I’ll be posting that the print version of my book is FINALLY available and you can all rush over… (aaaaahhhhhhh – sigh). Oh and next week I’m gonna be interviewed on M3, hopefully while sipping a nice 4 shot iced venti toffee nut latte (and chewing on the ice), breve and a piece or two of that luscious chocolate bread I think Claret will have baking… mmmm… I’ll post and link to it for sure so you all can see me “on stage” and trembling as the spotlight falls on me!! And remember, there are lots of great books besides mine too!!!

Oh yes, you may have noticed I have a new page up there ↑ called Fractals, Fractals, Fractals. So, what do ya think – is it about fractals? Of course it is! I decided there are so many good informational sites and sources for wonderful knowledge about fractals, even fractals in the news. So, if some of you have wondered where was that link I posted a few months back to that cool article… well this page is dedicated just to that sort of thing… it’ll be a resource for resources. Info, links to various software and/or fractal generating apps, stuff like that – all in one stop shop easy location! So when you get a chance you might like to browse and see what’s there and what’s new. As I will be adding things, I’ll try to remember to post them at the top, which makes finding the new stuff so much easier, doncha know…

What else is new… well I’ve been working with a different fractal generator, Fractal Explorer and produced a lot of new things. Not all today’s will be FE fractals, still have some Apophysis’ ones you haven’t seen (I think). Speaking of fractals, what say we just dive right on in and hang ’em on the wall… Let’s see if you can tell what fractal generator I used for each (3 different apps – only two of three are mentioned in this post, just to make it a little tougher for you)…

FRIDAY FRACTALS f0r your pleasure…















I sure did a lot of posting this week, didn’t I!?!?! It was fun. I hope I can continue bringing you things to make you laugh, or scratch your head or even go downright WTF!!! I’m sure gonna try!!


So, want to guess who’s been dipping in the fractal well, lately? Well, I’ll post a link and you can see the great beginning works of a new fractal star! She’s REALLY good! You can see her fractals here and here.

Element 90: Daily Fractal #168

Nia Brummbaer: I found this algorithm and…

Fractal Explorer: all about it and the download link and here too

Carroll MacDonald: The Starship Pegasus – Fandango – Fractal Heaven

El Guapola: Friday Foolishness